The electronic components used in various industries are driven by the electric flow via electronic circuits. We all use these components regularly but they are rarely acknowledged. Electronic passive components do not participate in energy generation, yet they store and/or dissipate and/or release the electric energy in the circuit. Since these components have no active part in energy consumption or generation, they are pronounced as passive electronic components. While the electronic circuits are energy generators or energy donors, these passive components work as energy acceptors. Their function is independent of any energy source which makes them inactive in functionality. This post introduces you to some passive components in electronics.
Some of the Commonly Known Passive Components in Electronics:
Here are some of the passive components widely used in electronic devices:
Capacitors: It is a well-known fact that a capacitor is a significant part of almost every electronic circuit. Yet, it is rarely acknowledged that capacitors possess passive, nonconductive nature. Capacitors are only capable of storing electric current which makes it a passive component in the circuit. A capacitor is assembled with non-conductive dielectric material entrapped between two conductive plates. The types of capacitors vary based on the type of dielectric material used. Air, vacuum, paper, plastic, glass, and ceramic are some of the dielectrics used in the industry. Based on the dielectric material, the storage capacity of the capacitor varies. The storage capacity of the capacitor corresponds to its passive abilities. Capacitors are considered lossless passive components in the electronic circuits, but they cannot be 100% passive due to internal resistance that leads to minor energy losses.
Resistors: Aresistor is a primary electronic passive component. It is a bi-terminal component that offers resistance to the current. As the name suggests, it resists the current and forbids it from flowing forward. Unlike capacitors, resistors have no capacity to absorb energy. It is considered a dissipative passive component as it dissipates energy. In the resistor, the heat generated is a function of the resisted flow of electricity by the resistor itself. Resistors are used in various electronic circuits such as switches, sensory devices such as noise sensors, humidity sensors, heat sensors, light sensors, and so on. This makes switches a secondary passive component in an electronic circuit. The switch is a function of the resistor, which acts as a signal controller. It does not generate or absorb electric signals and acts as a secondary passive component.
Inductors: Inductor is again a bi-terminal passive component. It produces a magnetic current as a function of the current passing through it. The structure of an inductor is a conducting wire coiled to generate a magnetic field. The current passes through the coil and creates a magnetic field. The basic metal coil is an inductor as well. The combination of inductors produce another secondary passive component in the electric circuit, called a transformer. Transformers also work as inactive components, but the switching magnetic field and reversing the direction of current are performed by transformers and inductors only.
Passive electronic components are extensively used in various industrial and consumer electronic applications, which is why they are easily available in the market. Although they may not have an active role to play, still they significantly contribute to the functioning of the circuits. So, it is important to source them from trusted suppliers such as Electronic Expeditors. This company has been supplying quality electronic components since 1953, across the United States. With over three decades of experience in the industry, this company has been serving clients ranging from original equipment manufacturers to maintenance and repair organizations. They supply a variety of passive electronic components from industry-leading brands.