Electronic Expeditors - Electronic Component Distributor in USA

Electronic Expeditors - Electronic Component Distributor in USA

Electronic Expeditors (EE), established in 1953, has become one of the leading electro-mechanical and passive electronic component distributors in the US. We specialize in the sales and distribution of electronic components, tools, and systems sourced from industry-leading brands. With over 60 years of experience, we strive to deliver customized solutions for any project to match their application and performance requirements.

As one of the most experienced distributors of electronic components, we believe there is no one solution to any problem. Thus, we combine our expertise and experience with the market demand to make available the best electronic components. We take pride in our client base that ranges from Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) to Electronic Contract Manufacturers (ECMs) to Maintenance and Repair Organizations (MROs). Their project requirements vary in diversity and complexities. Whatever be their requirements, our team has always succeeded in providing cost-effective recommendations and performance-driven products.

Why Electronic Expeditors (EE USA)

Over the years, EE USA has emerged as one of the most popular distributors of passive and electromechanical electronic components worldwide, owing to the following reasons:

  • Large Inventory of Ready-to-Ship Components: We stock passive products from industry-leading brands such as Altech, Amphenol, Eaton, ABL Automation, Panavise, and so on. These components are covered by manufacturer’s warranty, and have been widely used across industries.
  • Fastest Turnaround Times: Our large inventory of ready-to-ship products combined with strong supply chain relationships enable us to assure the fastest turnaround times in the industry. We assure the same day shipping for most products.
  • Best Prices: As an electronic parts wholesale supplier who has witnessed changing electronic trends over the last 50 years, we assure the most in-demand products at competitive prices.  We are known for the best competitive prices in the market. Along with it, we assure discounts of up to 38% on bulk orders.
  • Quick Response: With EE USA, you do not have to wait for days at the end to know the prices or understand the products. All you have to do is contact us at the earliest. Your query will be answered by an expert with strong industry experience to their credit.
  • Value-added Services: Customization is key to success in today’s world. We meet the customization requirements of our clients by providing product modifications. EE USA is an authorized modifier of the most passive and electromechanical components that it provides. In addition to this, we provide several value-added services such as pre-production assemblies, first article assemblies, OEM contract support services, and so on.
  • Worldwide Distribution: We are electronic component dealers who specialize in worldwide deliveries. We also provide technical support to our clients through a vast array of value-added services. Our clients also approach us to receive support for an obsolete part or alternative part.   

Featured Product Categories

Do you know what the current trend is? The following are the fastest moving products in our inventory: